English Intensive Reading 吉林大学远程教育学院    
Language Points
Lesson 1     Language Points  ( Page 3)
There was very little of the world’s geography that Jules Verne, the writer, had not visited.
Meaning: It should be made clear that as a man who preferred staying at home to going out, Jules Verne, the writer, had visited almost every part of the world his books instead of traveling by himself.
Meaning: a person who likes to live a quiet private life at home and does not like to go outside.
If he was tired it was merely writer’s cramp.
Meaning: As a writer, too much work of writing might make his shoulders, arms and hands sour and ache.
For forty years…turning out, year in, year out, one book every six months ---- more than 100 altogether.
Meaning: In the course of 40 years, he had been producing books at the frequency of one book every six months without stop.
四十多年来,在亚眠市,他坐在像红砖塔楼的家中斗室里, 年复一年, 以六个月写一本书的速度,共写出一百多部著作。
turn out (v) :
1. to produce, as by a production process 生产或制造某物:培养出某人
1.The factory turned out 100 cars a week.
2.The school has turned out some first-rate school.
2. take place prove to be 以某种方式发生;证明为
1. If the day turns out rain we may have to change our plan.
2. “How did the party turn out?” “it turned out very well, thanks.”
“宴会举行的怎么样?” “非常成功,谢谢。”
The world’s most extraordinary tourist spent less than one of his seventy seven years en voyage
Meaning: Jules was born in 1828 and died in 1905. During 77 years of his life time, he had only spent less than 8 years traveling by himself in real life, while most of traveling was done in his fiction.世界上最负盛名的旅游家在他77岁的人生中,出外旅游的 时间还不到一年.