One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six   Translation | Key Points
Dialogue Five   Visit Qin  Dynasty  Figurines
  Guide: This is the First Chinese Emperor's Mausoleum.
Tourist: It's gigantic! Just look at those terra-cotta statues of men and horses! They look as if they were alive.
G: These statues are all warriors with their horses, buried with the emperor, whom they were supposed to protect forever.
T: There must be at least hundreds of them. I really marvel at the beautiful artistic design and exquisite casting skills.
G: This is the Museum of Terra-cotta Warriors you've been longing to visit.
T: Oh, I've never seen anything like it before. It's huge.
G: Vault No. l is a huge underground chamber containing six thousand terra-cotta soldiers and their horses and chariots.
T: It's fascinating to see how ancient Chinese troops were arrayed.
G: If you take a closer look, you'll find that each warrior has a different facial expression and manner.
T: These terra-cotta warriors are so vivid and true to life. It's amazing that sculpture could have attained such high artistic level at that time.
G: You are quite right. Some people call them “the eighth wonder of the world”.
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