Translation | Comprehension Questions
Text B     General Principles of Business Writing
        Conciseness helps a lot to make business writing clear and effective. One simple way to shorten a document is to get rid of the unnecessary long words and phrases. Instead of writing “A woman with talent and ambition will go far in this organization of ours. ”(14 words), just say “A talented, ambitious woman will go far in our organization. ”(10 words), When writing “He made the statement that he agreed that a tax cut was necessary. ”(13 words), just ask yourself it would be better to say “He agreed that a tax cut was necessary.”(8 words).
      In business writing, it is a wrong idea that long documents are better than short ones. Most readers, just like you, prefer short ones.
Correctness is one of the requirements for good business writing. It observes the conventions of spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage and so forth. If you write “While breaking into the computers memory, the investigators captured the hackers”, the readers will be confused by the question: Who broke into the computers memory, the investigators or the hackers? If your document is full of careless writing errors, your readers will get impatient to read is and doubt the accuracy of your information.
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