One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six| Seven Translation | Key Points
Dialogue Four  Asking for Help

Officer : Officer! May I help you?
Tourist : Yes. I’m a Chinese tourist and I want to report a burglary !
O: Your name and passport number, please.

Li Nan and 998634659.
O: OK. What’s the matter?
T: I just came back to find my room burgled.

O: Your address, please.
T: Room 1201, Sunshine Hotel.

O: Was anything stolen?
T: Yes, my purse was missing. I had some valuables in my purse.

O: Your passport?
T: It isn’t stolen. It is in my pocket.
O: Can you describe your purse?
T: Yes. It’s blue leather one with black zip.

O: Could you tell me the contents of the purse?
T: My credit card, $200 and a plane ticket to London.

O: Please come to the police station and report it.