One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six| Seven Translation | Key Points
Dialogue Five  Complaining about Food

Customer : What is this? I didn’t order that.
Waiter : My apologies. I must have misunderstood you. What’s your order again? I will get it right away.
C: I order black pepper sirloin without any paprika.

I’m sorry. I made a mistake. Let me take your plate away.
C: Hey, why does this soup taste so strange?
W: Pardon me, sir. But didn’t you order hot and sour soup?

C: Oh, is that what this is?
W: I believe so. But if it really bothers you, I’ll replace it for you.

C: No, don’t replace it. Give me a refund.
W: Sorry, we don’t refund
money, but you may order something else instead.
C: Oh, really? Give me consommé double on sherry.
W: Okay, sir.
C: Thank you.
W: I hope you enjoy your dinner.