What is this? I didn’t order that.
顾客: 这是什么呀?我点的不是这个菜。
Waiter: My apologies. I must have misunderstood you. What’s your
order again? I will get it right away.
侍者: 很抱歉,我一定弄错了。您在讲一下您点的菜是什么,我马上去换您的菜。
C: I order black pepper sirloin without any
顾: 我要的是黑椒牛腰肉,不要放红椒。
W: I’m sorry. I made a mistake. Let me take your plate away.
侍: 对不起,是我的错。让我把这个碟子拿走。
C: Hey, why does this soup taste so strange?
顾: 喂,为什么这汤的味道这么怪?
W: Pardon me, sir. But didn’t you order hot and sour soup?
侍: 对不起,这不是您叫的酸辣汤吗?
C: Oh, is that what this is?
顾: 噢,就是这个?
W: I believe so. But if it really bothers you, I’ll replace it for
侍: 我想是的。不过如果您觉得喝得不舒服的话,我可以给您换一个。
C: No, don’t replace it. Give me a refund.
W: Sorry, we don’t refund money, but you may order something else
侍: 抱歉,我们不退钱,但您可以叫个其他菜代替
C: Oh, really? Give me consommé double on sherry.
顾: 噢,真的吗?给我来个双料清汤
W: Okay, sir.
侍: 好的,先生。
C: Thank you.
顾: 谢谢。
W: I hope you enjoy your dinner.
侍: 希望您吃得开心。