One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six   Translation | Key Points
Dialogue Four   A Visit in Hangzhou
  G: Here’s the lake!
T: My God, it's such a lovely lake!
G: The lake has a water surface of 5.6 square kilometers.
T: No wonder it looks so huge. the water extends as far as eye can reach.
G: We are now walking on what is in fact an island. Here we get one of the ten sceneries of the West Lake: Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake.
T: Why is it called “Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake”?
G: Because in the pavilion over there the great poet Bai Juyi of the Tang
Dynasty would take a rest after drinking a little too much, and watch
the moon over the lake.
T: Very romantic.
G: Now let's board the boat and have a ride on the lake.(they get on the boat.)
T: Liu, what's that building over there? It looks like some sort of a huge Pavilion.
G: You are right. That's the Heart of Lake Pavilion,situated on an islet.It was built in 1552 and is the largest pavilion on the West Lake. Oh,here we are at the little Ying Zhou island. Let's get off the boat. Please watch your steps.
T: Oh, God, another world unveils itself to us.
T: This is a paradise on earth. (After some time)

G: let’s go on. We’ve got to see one more place before heading back to the hotel.
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