One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six   Translation | Key Points
Dialogue Four   A Visit in Hangzhou

Guide: Almost all foreigners visiting China come to Hang Zhou for a visit. Hang Zhou is one of the top tourist attractions in China.
G: 几乎所有来中国旅游的外国游客都要到杭州一游。杭州是中国最著名的旅游圣地之一。
Tourist: Hang Zhou is really a beautiful city.
T: 杭州的确是座美丽的城市。
G: And it's a lake city, too.
G: 它也是座湖泊之城。
T: Now could you tell me something about Hang Zhou so that I can fully appreciate the things I’m going to see?
T: 你能否给我介绍一下杭州,以便充分地欣赏我即将游览的景点?
G: OK. Hang Zhou has always been known as “the earthly paradise”. People always say Hang Zhou is a beautiful lake city. It is crisscrossed by scattered lakes and rivers. It is the best time for visiting here. And it is a good time to jog on the Bai Causeway and Su Causeway.
G: 好,杭州一直被视为“人间天堂”,人们总是称杭州是一座美丽的湖泊之城,分散的湖泊及河流纵横交错,这是游览此地的最佳时节,也是在白堤及苏堤上漫步的大好时节。
T: I'm told it is worth visiting. So I came here.
T: 我听说杭州值得一游,所以我来到了这里。
G: OK, here we are in Hang Zhou. We Chinese have a saying, “There is a paradise in heaven and there are Su Zhou and Hang Zhou in this world.” This shows the beauty of these two cities. The beauty of Hang Zhou is associated with the West Lake.
G: 这就是杭州,中国有句谚语“上有天堂,下有苏杭”这句谚语表明了这两座城市的美,杭州的美与西湖是分不开的。
T: I hear the West Lake offers ten fabled sceneries. What are they?
T: 我听说西湖有十大神话般的美景,这十大美景是什么?
G: Well, they are Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake, Su Causeway in Spring Dawn, Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor, Listening to Orioles in the willows, Twin Peaks to Piercing the Clouds, Three Pools Mirroring the Moon, Sunset View of Leifeng Tower, Evening bell of the Southern Screen, Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard and Melting Snow on the Broken Bridge.
G: 啊,它们是平湖秋月,苏堤春晓,花港观鱼,柳浪闻莺,双峰插云,三潭印月,雷锋夕照,南习晚钟,曲院风荷以及断桥残雪。
T: Are we going to see all of them today, Liu?
T: 刘,我们打算今天把这些景点全部游览完吗?
G: No, not all of them. But we will see most of them.
G: 不,不是所有这些景点,但我们会游览大部分景点。