    >>>>   Unit One
    >>>>   Unit Two
    >>>>   Unit Three
    >>>>   Unit Four
    >>>>   Unit Five
    >>>>   Unit Six
    >>>>   Unit Seven
    >>>>   Unit Eight
    >>>>   Unit Nine
    >>>>   Unit Ten
    >>>>   Unit Eleven
    >>>>   Unit Twelve
    >>>>   Unit Thirteen
    >>>>   Unit Fourteen
    >>>>   Unit Fifteen
    >>>>   Unit Sixteen
    >>>>   Unit Seventeen
    >>>>   Unit Eighteen
    >>>>   Unit Nineteen
    >>>>   Unit Twenty
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-one
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-two
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-three
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-four
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-five
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-six
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-seven
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-eight
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-nine
    >>>>   Unit Thirty
Background  |  Information Related to the Text |  Warm-up activity |  Style of the Text |  Reading Skill |  Text  | 

Reading Skill

Finding the main idea is a key to understanding a passage or a paragraph.

Please pay special attention to the main point of each pair of questions and answers. Now , take the first two questions and answers as an example : What is the main idea of this part? Find supporting details ( not the whole paragraph)

the main idea in this part is that exercise is important not only for the health of your body , but also for the health of your mind. The supporting details are: (1) A person¡¯s bad moods can be changed by exercise. Some evidences are provided : Exercise is effective as a tranquilizer; people who exercise suffer less from anxiety and are able to work harder. (2) Lack of physical fitness is often associated with decreased performance at work or in school. Two examples follow.(3) Exercise also helps one sleep at night. No further explanation follows.