    >>>>   Unit One
    >>>>   Unit Two
    >>>>   Unit Three
    >>>>   Unit Four
    >>>>   Unit Five
    >>>>   Unit Six
    >>>>   Unit Seven
    >>>>   Unit Eight
    >>>>   Unit Nine
    >>>>   Unit Ten
    >>>>   Unit Eleven
    >>>>   Unit Twelve
    >>>>   Unit Thirteen
    >>>>   Unit Fourteen
    >>>>   Unit Fifteen
    >>>>   Unit Sixteen
    >>>>   Unit Seventeen
    >>>>   Unit Eighteen
    >>>>   Unit Nineteen
    >>>>   Unit Twenty
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-one
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-two
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-three
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-four
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-five
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-six
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-seven
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-eight
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-nine
    >>>>   Unit Thirty
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Covered Wagon Days

Rapid city, South Dakota, a fast-growing modern business center of some 60,000people located at the eastern edge of the Black Hills, is a community that has been settled in recent years.

南达科他州的拉佩德市是个发展迅猛的现代商业中心, 人口大约60,000,坐落在黑山东面. 该地区近几年才有人定居.

fast-growing:   “ 副词+现在分词” 作复合形容词.

(1) 副词+过去分词      a beautifully-dressed woman
(2) 名词+过去分词      hand-made shoes
(3)名词 +现在分词      peace-loving people
(4)形容词 +现在分词     a sweet-smelling flower