    >>>>   Unit One
    >>>>   Unit Two
    >>>>   Unit Three
    >>>>   Unit Four
    >>>>   Unit Five
    >>>>   Unit Six
    >>>>   Unit Seven
    >>>>   Unit Eight
    >>>>   Unit Nine
    >>>>   Unit Ten
    >>>>   Unit Eleven
    >>>>   Unit Twelve
    >>>>   Unit Thirteen
    >>>>   Unit Fourteen
    >>>>   Unit Fifteen
    >>>>   Unit Sixteen
    >>>>   Unit Seventeen
    >>>>   Unit Eighteen
    >>>>   Unit Nineteen
    >>>>   Unit Twenty
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-one
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-two
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-three
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-four
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-five
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-six
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-seven
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-eight
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-nine
    >>>>   Unit Thirty
Synopsis |  Information Related to the Text |  Warm-up Activity |  Text  | 

Information Related to Text

The author¡¯s title can be paraphrased in this way: ¡°Where did you get your education?¡± asks the employer. ¡° I got my education through the computer,¡± replies the prospective employee.¡± ¡° Naturally¡± in the title implies either ¡°obviously¡± or ¡°done in accordance with my style of learning¡±. Many advantages and some disadvantages of the popularization of computers are mentioned in the article, and the author emphasizes that education will have a bright future with the help of computers.