    >>>>   Unit One
    >>>>   Unit Two
    >>>>   Unit Three
    >>>>   Unit Four
    >>>>   Unit Five
    >>>>   Unit Six
    >>>>   Unit Seven
    >>>>   Unit Eight
    >>>>   Unit Nine
    >>>>   Unit Ten
    >>>>   Unit Eleven
    >>>>   Unit Twelve
    >>>>   Unit Thirteen
    >>>>   Unit Fourteen
    >>>>   Unit Fifteen
    >>>>   Unit Sixteen
    >>>>   Unit Seventeen
    >>>>   Unit Eighteen
    >>>>   Unit Nineteen
    >>>>   Unit Twenty
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-one
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-two
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-three
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-four
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-five
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-six
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-seven
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-eight
    >>>>   Unit Twenty-nine
    >>>>   Unit Thirty
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11. It was typical of her to wait until we were all together before she told us.


It is+adj.+of+sb.+to do sth.     常见结构,常用在口语中。注意it 不是形式主语。

能够用在这种结构的形容词都是表示性格特征的、行为表现的动态形容词, 常见的有clever, considerate, foolish, generous, stupid, kind, nice, wrong, selfish, careless, etc.

It was careless of him to break the cup.

It was foolish of you to ask that question.

It was kind of you to help me in my hour of need.

It was brave of him to enter the burning building to rescue a child.